Mrs Roots, what’s that ?

Mrs Roots, this is literature …

Literature is the basis of this site. Faced with an eternal insult , ” literature is useless ,” I try to show its consistency, it can bring, learn, if you look more carefully today. You do not need to love or to hate to understand its necessity. By highlighting several books , literary criticism written by articulate these literary works on social debates of our time , sometimes taboo . They aim to show how they do act, have an impact on the world, our perception, our way of thinking …

Why portrait of our society appears so distinctly in a novel written in 1942 Barjavel ? Why afropéenne can now be reflected in the writings of African- American author Toni Morrison? Why the issue of sex and gender , which is being debated today , may be raised in a Japanese shoujo ?

Because it is possible, but we are not careful .

Intersectionality … …

A second part of this site is writing articles intersectional , that is a reflection on the various oppressions that exist today and their connections, while questioning the privileges of each. Many items are sometimes reblogués from other sites that you can find in the blogroll ( lower right ), others are the result of personal reflections.

Why the nature of a hair can it be a symptom of social relations ? How reporting on the Third World incense they biased representation of some continents? Why # safedanslarue reflects the power relations in the public space between men and women?

… But above all, discovery.

Here you will also find articles on publishing, travel, but also a special category intituliée Roots & Inspiration, an interview gallery showcasing profiles and inspiring projects !

In other words , Mrs Roots is a platform that supports the provision of new projects in full swing, brings visibility to an underestimated or invisibilisée his involvement in generation heavily. Its editorial line has any purpose other than to discover literary works in their contemporaneity and question what we think we know already .


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